Saturday, August 1, 2009

"I'm Happy, Hope You're Happy Too..."

I haven't been very active online recently, so I decided to post up two images I'm working on (it's Blake btw)

the top one started out as a quick charcoal drawing I did of an astronaut.  I kept picturing the image that you usually see of them walking in those orange jump suits before they get into the ship...  I re-drew the image in photoshop, and then started layering pictures I took of trees in Colorado in the background... which looks more like fire now.  I have made some changes between what you're seeing above and now... but I don't have the 'newest version' handy (the only real difference is some erasure in the background, which makes the trees look even less like trees than they do now, and there's more 'play' between the red & the yellow in the background)

the second image - with the child eating the woman's leg next to the polar bears began as a "part two" to my "The Story of the Unicorn" lithograph, but it's going to be a much more complex print to do (just b/c of the photographic bits I'm including).... and sure it'd be MUCH easier to do it as a digital print, but I mean... that's not really printmaking, is it?

as an added bit, here's a few tracks that... while didn't necessarily "inspire" the above images, they definitely were playing a lot while I was drawing

seeing as some of the tracks are rare & I don't want to get into trouble... I'm not going to post a tracklist - you'll just have to follow the download link


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