Tuesday, April 6, 2010

these are not your goats

Last week, I got a phone call about doing a new piece for a specific person/ location...

I wasn't given many guidelines, just that "it can't be weird, so no blood, no headless unicorns, and nothing really gross"

...which - come to think of it, is kinda like HALF of what I do! But anyways, I originally was going to do my friend Joe riding on a goat... the swimming kind

but it kinda got a bit awkward, just b/c goats are very small and Joe is very tall
I was able to draw it, but instead of it looking humorous - it just didn't look "right" b/c of the scale

so I think I'm going to tweak it around a bit, and instead of having the literal event pictured... maybe only something that alludes to the event

oh, and here are two goats I drew for the piece... which will probably will never be used

I was going to post up some new music stuff... but it seems google/blogger are cracking down on blogs right now. Like where they used to just give you a warning... now they're making them 'disappear' altogether

so instead, I'll share with you this cheap-but-cool music video by the Toxic Avenger. It's a nice alternative to all the ambient and 'out there' stuff I'm putting together for the show on May 2nd in Iowa City....

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