Thursday, July 30, 2009


Corn and potato fritter with red peppers, green onions and garlic.

Last night Blake and I whipped up a batch of fritters and just tried to figure out how to do it as we went. They turned out very yummy and felt like a perfect summer meal.

2 eggs
flour-1/4 cup plus maybe more for if the batter is too goopy
1/4 cup of milk or half and half
baking soda
a pinch of salt
4-5 cloves of garlic squished
2 yellow potatoes-grated
3 sweetcorn cobs grated
1/2 of a yellow onion-finely chopped
1/2 of a large red pepper finely chopped
3-4 green onions
possible other spices to add- cumin, paprika, chili pepper

Topping for fritters:
2 chopped tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
gruyére cheese

First, beat eggs then add milk, and all other ingredients and finish with the dry ingredients. The batter should be thick and well combined. In a large frying pan with hot oil, cook the fritters by plopping the batter on the pan and cooking like pancakes...

Garnish with the tomato salad and top with cheese or sour cream

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